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Lock Down TV
stream with us using your favourite apps, simple and easy setup
What is Lock Down TV ?
FREE online streaming TV Channel
LIVE Streaming
ON Demand
Welcome to Lock Down TV.
A brand new FREE online TV channel setup to allow creative people currently in self isolation a place to live stream or upload previously created content which they would like to share with the Lock Down TV community.
Huh ???
Well in the midst of the current lock down most of us are experiencing due to the Covid-19 virus there has been a mass increase of people taking to live streaming at home straight from their mobile phone and streaming content to their friends and family in order to pass the time.
So what does that all mean ?
So whether you're a cook, musician, fitness instructor, teacher or literally just someone who wants to reach out to the community during this trying time in we are going through, Lock Down TV would love to hear from you.
We encourage EVERYONE who wants to stream / upload their content with the world, be it your latest song that you want to perform live from your living room, a comedian who cant get out the house to perform their act during the lock down and still wants to perform a live gig to online viewers or even someone who just wants to chat and help people through these troubled times. Anything at all, your imagination is the only limit. We are keen to hear from anyone who thinks someone could benefit from watching their stream / uploaded content.
All you need is a webcam (or mobile phone), your favourite streaming software and your good to go. Lock Down TV can direct your Skype call, Facebook live and Youtube live streams direct to our website and allow fellow viewers to watch interact and share your content (instructions will be provided).
We are providing LIVE streaming slots for each contributor and will setup a TV schedule with a listing of all up & coming shows / performances, just like a regular TV station (oh how exciting lol)
** Live streaming will only be online from varies times of the day (content dependant) **
ON Demand content will be available 24/7.
What if live streaming isn't for me ?
If you're camera shy thats ok too, no reason why you cant join this wonderful community and share your work. We encourage you to use this website as a platform to share and show off any of your work that you would like people to see.
So if you have made a short film and want to post it, brilliant. If you have recorded a live performance of your band and want the world to watch it, amazing. Just send us a link to your work and we will post it on our ON Demand section of the website with the option to show it during live broadcasts also.
Any more questions ?
We love to chat with all creatives so if you feel that this website isn't for you or you still don't understand the concept (my apologies as I only thought of this whole idea a few days lol)
Please contact me below and ask me anything. I want this to be a freely spoken, open community for everyone to meet and share / interactive with. All I ask is that everyone is polite with each other and do not post negative comments about peoples creative content.
The world is already going through some trying times at the moment so please help each other through these difficult times, So please like, share and follow the page on social media..
Please note:
This is a NON profit website and NO money is made from it.
I setup this website to help pass the time during this period of self isolating and to give fellow creatives who are also stuck at home a platform to share their live / previously created content.
Bryan - Founder
Lock Down TV
Want some NEW creative content created solely during the Lock Down ?
visit our friends over at FOLK.
A creative community setup for people who have created fresh NEW creative content during the lock down.
About Us
Hosts / Performers
Here are just a few people who will be hosting shows and performing on
Lock Down TV
We are currently working on new talent please contact us and join the community email us at:
Past Events
Appear on
Lock Down TV
Fancy joining the community or have a general enquiry ?
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